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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 3 April 2022

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦ Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform
                          account name: sophonisba_
Rome, 18.09.23
Rome, 18.09.23
I’m stuck in the XVIII century ♆
I’m stuck in the XVIII century ♆
lately ☼
lately ☼
autumn break by the sea ❦
autumn break by the sea ❦
when nature wins again
when nature wins again
correlating with animals ޓ
correlating with animals ޓ
…Exploring ☉
…Exploring ☉
 sembra un sogno ✸
 sembra un sogno ✸
land of the rising sun ☼
land of the rising sun ☼

Comentarii album • 123
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SechsAlastor 29 May 2024  
i know something else that has risen up
SerafineMiniati 29 May 2024  
me too, my desire to punch you in the face. oh how i would love to give u a bruise or two and turn ur eyesviolet, but i am just a needy, helpless little girl, i could never do that!

& u trying to get in my pants huh? u need to do a looot more than that.
SechsAlastor 29 May 2024  
no, no, that one i'd blame on your aim, your eye to hand coordination is so bad ! you missed plenty of times before, i remember
&no, i cooled off, it's been hours you knoW
SerafineMiniati 29 May 2024  
o yea, poor me, bla bla. then the f~ck do you want? get lost, im sick of it and i don’t really want to see your stupid name on my profile anymore.
SerafineMiniati 29 May 2024  
you are disgusting
SechsAlastor 30 May 2024  
SeksJagger 4 February 2024  
i miss u
SerafineMiniati 5 February 2024  
what do you want
SeksJagger 8 February 2024  
wdym what do i want to gang out with my bestie of coitus
SerafineMiniati 9 February 2024  
like last time when u left me with that insufferable demon?
i'm busy
SeksJagger 27 December 2023  
. … .. *Seks Jagger left the building*
SechsAlastor 26 December 2023  
feel like publicly sacrificing someone might change my mind later
SerafineMiniati 26 December 2023  
and why the f`~ck are u telling me that?
anywayyy that someone cant be seks. maybe it will be that pathetic young woman you got for christmas. are you done with her and that's why you re f~cking messaging me?
SechsAlastor 26 December 2023  
how long do you think i will harbor any interest for her it's been more than a day of course i'm f666cking bored and it's not getting any better with that friend of yours mumbling for four hours how he and his chick got into a fight nd he kicked him out. why the f!@ck would you agree to let him stay here he stinks up the whole place, make him shower at least
SerafineMiniati 27 December 2023  
o ure the one who talks about smelling? u come back here after spending ur time doing f~ck knows what satanic disgusting rituals wth ur pitiful odorous girls bringing ME their f`cking smell
& stop listening to our conversations. why the f~ck u even care? actually he gave me a rlly interesting idea to kick u out since we are already fighting so the door is open, now. excuse me. but i have a guest.& i also have a sore in my throat from screaming through this f~~~~~~``cking walls
SechsAlastor 27 December 2023  
hhahHAHAH your manic musings are always so laughable, talking like you don’t have a f69cking stink kink you changeling, always shifting shape lil girl, when are you going to cling to a belief? i’m so entertained by the idea of you, you crazy b666itch. i’m not going anywhere. you know what, i’m so pleased right now i don’t even mind the gazelle anymore, carry on
SerafineMiniati 27 December 2023  
phahaaaa, don't act like u f~cking know me, u exasperatingly repulsive scoundrel. & dont call me that. i hate that. i hate you. and what makes u think that i will listen to u and do so? so that u can be even more satisfied? f~ck off. im busy now DONT disturbe me anymore, he at least givess me cute proper nicknames. geez, are u being jealous? is that why ure not f~cking leaving already. anyway i dont care. get lost
SechsAlastor 27 December 2023  
guffaw, guffaw, guFFaawwww, then you know me even less, jealous you say, sure i’m bad natured but the rest is a fable. so there is a reason to all this plea, then i don’t need to leave, go at it nasties, i wanna witness a sin6+6 wait i blinked, ok go on, waiIIT let me finish laughing. ok I’ll take it serious now, take it off ladies. ff666ck fleaboy you had to pick the thight pants today it’ll take awhile
SerafineMiniati 28 December 2023  
i f~cking dont know u, yea, thats the f`cking point. why the f~ck are u laughing? is this funny to you? if u re not 'jealous' then why the f~~ck are u even here for? u piss me off. i will not be part of ur disgusting fantasies, i will escort myself out. have a fun playtime u pervert freak
SechsAlastor 28 December 2023  
cynic, but i will let it slide like i always do, nutty wuttyy6, oOO seems like i can't change your mind so if you must, don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you
SerafineMiniati 28 December 2023  
bite me
SechsAlastor 28 December 2023  
SechsAlastor 28 December 2023  
buy some milk for when you return
SerafineMiniati 28 December 2023  
IF i return, wait for me on ur knees at the door
SechsAlastor 28 December 2023  
IF not where are you gonna live? you HOTTheaded suCcu forgot this is your house
SerafineMiniati 29 December 2023  
aw, look at him acting like he f~~cking cares, i would find someone to sleep at if i want to, u damn silly incubus, dont u worry about me, but i bet that doesn't depict u either, just like jealousy, no? ahhh, silly me, talking about fables again
SechsAlastor 29 December 2023  
you sound sarcastic but i don't get it
SeksJagger 27 December 2023  
…should i leave or
SechsAlastor 27 December 2023  
SerafineMiniati 27 December 2023  
SeksJagger 26 December 2023  
dont you like my 500€ perfume satan
SechsAlastor 27 December 2023  
did you go swimming in the sewers after putting it on? i'd know the smell of that
SeksJagger 25 December 2023  
awwwwww you rememebered my birthday even my bandmates sometime forget that
SerafineMiniati 25 December 2023  
i can't hear u from 100 yards away
SechsAlastor 26 December 2023  
i think you can he's too loud
SerafineMiniati 26 December 2023  
that you have in common
SechsAlastor 26 December 2023  
no, that YOU have in common, you two gibber so much it’s pissing the shhh66it out of me, i need to listen to another off beam and discursive fool like one wasn’t enough you two cut it off or just SHUT UPP6
SerafineMiniati 27 December 2023  
no, YOU have in common, u have this tendency for not shutting the f`ck up
why don't YOU cut it off and stop telling me what to do.
& leave if u cant stand to hear the beautiful sublime sound of MY voice .
SechsAlastor 27 December 2023  
you know i can think of so many practices for that sly tongue of yoursSS that is getting more tempting by the minute to lop it off. AaA what do you think will it make a great trifle for my hands to dangle around, or should i say what i was actually thinking of?~ i wouldn’t wanna have u turn crimson in front of ur lil friend
SerafineMiniati 27 December 2023  
no, its you who should maim ur nasty filthy tongue for telling this many impertinent sweeeet threats, YOU making me purple? its not that u wouldnt want to do it, but u just cant do anything to me otherwise why haven't you done it until now?. admit it, u f`cking pervert sicko, u loooove my beautiful perfect silky face, and my pink tongue, u f~cking liar
SechsAlastor 28 December 2023  
ok so no kissing, i locked the door
SerafineMiniati 29 December 2023  
you don't deserve any kissing, pissing me off like that. but when i return and only if i am more temperate, and if i find that damn door open, i will kiss u, u f~cking brute. i will think about it.
SechsAlastor 29 December 2023  
sOoO foul-mouthed, but don’t you sound adorably violent, i’m so so so scared6, honestly, and a bit THRILledd ok go already but can’t promise you will still find me here
SechsAlastor 27 December 2023  
yeah, i love it so much i want to cleave it like a gourd, maybe give it some clearness, make you look less like an uppity big mouth grouch. oHhh6 i could kiss you right now
SeksJagger 26 December 2023  
im using my mic
SechsAlastor 3 December 2023  
come and make me open wideeǝǝ6!66
SerafineMiniati 3 December 2023  

unless u come begging on ur knees for forgiveness cause u rly pissed me off the last time
SechsAlastor 3 December 2023  
i don't know about that blowsabella, my knees are soreǝ
if not what, are you going to make me f#!#!6cking peer through the keyhole?
SerafineMiniati 3 December 2023  
ure a f#cking liar
no no, i ll let u see if u want so badly. with ur big ass head ripped off ur nasty body on top of my tv. i think it will be a cute ornament

or i can hang u from my chandelier
SechsAlastor 3 December 2023  
i don't think you can slash through the flesh nd 6pith with that rickety hand of yours
spLaSH splASHSH but ur face is not candy-coated until u jab hard
ughHhH but if i'm wrong and you do get by, it's going to take too long anyway
and if i get bored, and u no longer entertain me
i'll may become restless and have to entertain myYselfffF
by devouring you
SerafineMiniati 4 December 2023  
phaa bored? ? of ME? or maybe ill get borED first and throw u for dog food or let u rot for the rats to eat u
now shut up cause im busy dont come again

u re
SechsAlastor 4 December 2023  
SerafineMiniati 4 December 2023  
SechsAlastor 31 March 2023  
underneath this veneer of sparingly crazy and mildly socially outcasted, you are just a little girl that doesn't really knows what she wants.
SerafineMiniati 31 March 2023  
now u re fck!ing pissing me off, am I the one that doesn't know ??????? i always knew, u fc!king moron unlike you
SechsAlastor 31 March 2023  
knew what??????? what the f!##!uck are we even talking about you're not saying anything and i have told you to not GOBBLEFUNK around
SerafineMiniati 31 March 2023  
dont make me f!@@cking say cheesy dumb romantic lines isnt it enough for you that u brought me to this state? What the hell do u want me to say dont u f!@cking see? just leave me the f!@ck alone
SechsAlastor 31 March 2023  
what state woman? what the f666uck did i even do? you're being over dramatic yet not demonstrative of anything. what the hell did i say or do
call me when you stop being an emotional wreck, only ssSexy and nasty
SerafineMiniati 31 March 2023  
then fu@!ck you and expect no calls from me no more, have fun with ur satanic and disgusting things
SechsAlastor 31 March 2023  
what the f#!3uck happened woman
SechsAlastor 31 March 2023  
don't gobblefunk around with words, tell me what the f#!#uck rattled you so much. nothing happened as far as i know, i got no lengthy texts of you saying you want to feed me to the sewage rats so??????? are you possessed? or worst, did you drink my concoctions??????? i told you to not touch those ‘cause they are not for ones without hazy minds. are you having a seizure? and my credulous self thought i only have amos and his multiple personalities to deal with.
SerafineMiniati 31 March 2023  
oh oh but i tried to didn't u f!cking see? ofc u did but u were soooOO busy training some possessed serial killer adept gosh u infuriate and i hate u so very much u see how bad u are for me
as much as i like to see you agitated, i dont want to fight no more, is amos asleep? go play with him
SechsAlastor 31 March 2023  
the only thing that i can see is the way you're spiraling, so i say you should stop and see the things that surround you without a shaky view. god help me sometimesSs i rly don't get yoU
SerafineMiniati 31 March 2023  
i dont get ur behavior either sechs i never figured you out
and stop telling me what to do you know i hate it .
SechsAlastor 31 March 2023  
does it suit you?
SerafineMiniati 31 March 2023  
why do you even care? i am not ur problem anymore; leave me alone
SechsAlastor 31 March 2023  
you're back to being normal?
SerafineMiniati 31 March 2023  
for the sake of my mental health, at least what is left of it, i try to.
akumasuki 12 March 2023  
still so gawjuss
SerafineMiniati 12 March 2023  
and u very very pretty urself ( ˘ ³˘)♥
SeksJagger 12 March 2023  
and you say i have gfs?!?!??????? gaslight!!!
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
anyways nice ₗᵢₜₜₗₑ ass too
SerafineMiniati 12 March 2023  
f!@!ck off
SeksJagger 12 March 2023  
thats so cool you got to meet handsome squidward
SerafineMiniati 12 March 2023  
i hate men
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
f666ucking dumbass
SerafineMiniati 12 March 2023  
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
but i meant that i have a boner you silly Baboon~~~
SerafineMiniati 12 March 2023  
now dont try to tempt me, im still mad
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
mad about something that you made up in your own little head?
now i’m mad
succubuSssss i’m expecting sweet apologizes and maybe something to get me in my good mood again.
SerafineMiniati 12 March 2023  
oh now, im mad about u in general incubus u re pretty fc!@#King annoying
i bet ur dammnpretty platinum chick can do that as well, f!#@ck off im busy
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
it’s cute
SerafineMiniati 12 March 2023  
dont say that
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
i like to see you fret like that
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
wink suCcu
SerafineMiniati 12 March 2023  
dont fc@#!king call me that
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
it's only bone, no appetite
SerafineMiniati 12 March 2023  
oh yea?
i forgot u liked wrinkled dirty old grandmas buttocks u disgusting maniac f!2@#ck OFF
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
SerafineMiniati 12 March 2023  
and what the f!ck am i?
ur amusement machine? f@#ck off
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
SechsAlastor 12 March 2023  
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